Applications 0f Pvcocity Cleaner 5 Litre
Pvcocity Cleaner 5 litre a multitude of uses in the industry, the home, workshops, garages, public buildings, and almost all areas. A small addition to water is enough to loosen and rinse grime and grease and leave surfaces clean and residue free.
can be used through a Floor Scrubbing Unit at a dilution of 1:30. It is recommended that Pvcocity Cleaner Defoamer is used for this application as the product is high foaming.
For normal Mop and Bucket use a dilution of 1:20 is recommended. Apply Pvcocity Cleaner to the floor, allow the product a few minutes to loosen dirt and grease, then rinse or mop clean. Where necessary use hot water for faster results. Self-evaporating and thus leaves no film residue when dry.
The recommendations contained herein are based on laboratory test and in-field use experience, and are to the best of our knowledge, accurate. Since conditions of actual use are beyond our control, all recommendations are made without warranty, express or implied.
INGESTION: Administer 250ml of water to dilute stomach contents. Do not induce vomiting. INHALATION: None
SKIN: None
EYES: Rinse with lukewarm water