Product Description for Pvcocity Adhesive PVC Glue
A660 is a two-part Polyurethane adhesive. It contains Glue and Hardener. Our package comes in 6 Litre Glue and 1 Litre Hardener. Â The 2-part of 6 Litres covers Approximately 10sqm. Open time is between 25 minutes and 30 minutes at 25 Temp(0C)
User Guide for Pvcocity Adhesive PVC Glue
Step one
Prepare the surface by cleaning the surface and ensure the surface is flatter, free of dirt, oils, grease, and any debris
Step two
Lay out your tiles including your cuttings before mixing the Glue. The reason for laying out the tiles before spreading the glue is because the Adhesive has a short cure and open time of only 25 to 30 minutes.
Step three
Mix the Glue in the ratio of 6:1 and stir with a stick until the Glue mixing is homogeneous
Step Four
Uninstall the laid-up tiles of approximately 10sqm equivalent to the set of Glue mixed up.
Step Five
Spread the Glue on the uninstalled area using a trowel or a scrapper as fast as possible wait for about 4 to 5 minutes for natural to cure and get ready. One has 25 to 30 minutes to lay the tiles before the glue dries up. Spreading should be done evenly before laying out tiles.
Always close the mixed glue to increase the cure and open time and to be within the 25 to 30 minutes use time. Open bucket will drastically reduce the cure and open time.
Step six
- It is a MUST to use Gloves when working with A660 Adhesive Glue as it is difficult to clean off hands
- Avoid contact with your eyes, mouth, and skin. If it falls on your skin quickly wipe off skin or wherever using a damp cloth, this is only possible when the glue hasn’t cured and dried up.
Pvc Floor Tile (Pty) Ltd cannot be held responsible for any glue failures or incorrect use of the Glue by not adhering to the above instructions.
Recommendations for Pvcocity Adhesive Pvc Glue
It is always a must to use A660 on the following conditions:
- When there is heavy traffic or vehicular movement
- Outdoor area
- Open Direct sunlight areas
